2014年8月28 – 30日
3rd International Conference on Chinese as a Second Language Research
August 28-30, 2014
University of Parma, ITALY
会议地点: 意大利帕尔玛大学艺术与文学历史与社会科學系http://www.caslar2014.unipr.it/
研讨会电邮地址: caslar2014@unipr.it
语言学领域: 应用语言学; 语言教学法; 篇章分析;普通语言学,语言习得,语用学
使用语言: 中文, 英文
Location: Department of Arts and Literature, History and Social Studies of the University of Parma, Italy
Meeting Email: caslar2014@unipr.it
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Language Teaching Methodology, Discourse Analysis; General Linguistics; Language Acquisition; Pragmatics
Language(s) : Chinese, English
- 论文摘要截稿: 2014年3月20日
- 录取结果通知:2014年4月20日前
- 预先报名: 2014年5月30日前
- 会议期间: 2014年8月28日(周四)至30日(周六)
- 论文全文截稿(会后出版论文集):2014年12月31日
Important Dates
- Abstract Submissions Due: March 20, 2014
- Acceptance Notification (by email): April 20, 2014
- Early Birds Registration: up to May 30, 2014
- Conference Dates: August 28-30, 2014
- Full Paper Submissions Due: December 31, 2014
(for post-conference publication)
「汉语作为第二语言研究国际研讨会」(International Conference on Chinese as a Second Language Research, 简称CASLAR)为两年一次的研讨会,旨在齐聚全球研究汉语作为第二语言的习得、发展与运用的专家学者于一堂,进行汉语教学领域中知识概念以及实务经验的探究与交流,支持汉语教学领域学者间的切磋互动,期能激荡出更多学术研究计划的构想。该会议属于CASLAR运动的一部分,其目标在于使一门以实验与实践为基础的学科成为一门以研究与理论为基础的学科。第一届研讨会于2010年由浙江大学主办;第二届研讨会于2012年由台北的国立台湾师范大学主办。
Meeting Description
CASLAR is a biennial conference with the goal to bring together scholars from all over the world whose research focuses on the acquisition, development and use of Chinese as a second language, to survey available knowledge in the field, exchange ideas and initiate research projects. The conference is a part of the CASLAR movement that aims to transform a field from a primarily experienced-and practice-based discipline into a discipline based on and supported by research and theory. The first CASLAR conference was held at ZhejiangUniversity, in 2010, the second one was in Taipei, Taiwan in 2012.